Do You Have a Valid Bad Faith Insurance Case? | The Fell Law Firm | 886661830 (Compressed)

Do You Have a Valid Bad Faith Insurance Case?

When the unknown happens around you and your family, you should be able to rely on your insurance company to hold up their end of the deal. Sometimes, insurance companies deny or delay valid claims, also known as acting in bad faith.

What Does Bad Faith Insurance Mean?

We purchase insurance to help protect our families, homes and businesses from the unexpected. The insurance company creates a policy, or a contract between you and the company, requiring you to pay a premium in return for their promise to insure.
But, some insurances may decide to deny or delay necessary payment for your valid claims, acting in bad faith. When insurances refuse to pay what they promised, you could be left with costly damages, health concerns and more that you simply can’t handle alone.

Examples of Bad Faith Insurance Claims in Texas

Bad faith insurance claims can include a wide range of types including fire, tornado, automobile, life, homeowner’s and so much more. For example, your insurance may decide to deny your car accident claim, even if it’s covered in your policy. Or, the insurance company may purposely delay investigating the damage to your home after a storm.
According to Texas law, there are certain acts that insurance companies should not commit including:

  • Misinterpreting or failing to communicate provisions to insurance policies relating to coverage
  • Failure to promptly acknowledge claim communications
  • Failure to execute prompt and fair settlements of claims once liability is clear
  • Failure to execute prompt investigation of claims

If you’ve experienced an unnecessary denial in your claim or a delay in the investigation of your claim, you could be eligible for compensation and damages. Bad faith insurance claims require skilled attorneys to ensure success. You might consider reaching out to an attorney for proper counsel prior to moving forward on your own.

Do You Believe You Have a Bad Faith Case?

After paying your premiums, you deserve an insurance company that you can count on. If you believe you have a valid bad faith insurance claim, you shouldn’t wait to act. To learn more about your bad faith case, send us a message.

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