Pain & Suffering, Loss of Consortium & More: Car Accident Damages Explained

Car accidents can leave you reeling from pain, emotional trauma and piles of medical bills. You don’t have to try and make it through the aftermath alone. An attorney can help you file a car accident claim to pursue damages that will help you move forward.

Common Car Accident Damages Explained

We know that now is not the time to get lost in legal jargon, so let’s address it. The term “damages” simply means a sum of money or compensation awarded for a loss or injury. It’s the cash you may receive by filing a claim after your accident.

Under the umbrella of damages are many other terms that specify each type of compensation you may receive. Some are relatively simple; others, not so much. Let’s dive into the most common damages available.

  • Disfigurement: Disfigurement refers to a permanent change to an individual’s body. Often, this relates to scars or injuries that may change your appearance. Disfigurement may increase the compensation available to you.
  • Loss of earning capacity: This damage may be available if you lose your ability to work and earn a living for the foreseeable future. It could be the result of a disability or injuries that require extensive rehabilitation.
  • Loss of consortium: Loss of consortium is typically filed by the spouse or family member of an accident victim. The claim is that the victim can no longer provide the same comfort or care as they did before the accident.
  • Loss of use of vehicle: Lack of transportation is costly, especially if you need to travel back and forth to doctor’s appointments or work. This damage covers that.
  • Lost wages: Lost wages differ from loss of earning capacity. Instead, it covers the actual amount you lost due to being off of work.
  • Pain and suffering: This refers to the actual physical pain you feel resulting from your injuries as well as the emotional trauma sustained.

Which Damages Will I Receive?

We can’t predict which damages you may receive for your specific claim. Each accident is unique and requires a personal touch. We recommend reaching out to an attorney who can review your case and determine which compensation is best to pursue.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident? Call an Attorney Today!

If you’ve been injured in an accident, the attorneys at The Fell Law Firm are available to help. To learn more about how to file a claim or to discuss your concerns, give us a call at 972-450-1418  or send us a message. We’re here to support you.

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