3 Signs Your Insurance Company Just Wants You To Go Away

Insurance companies often foster reputations for being less-than-generous or downright stingy. Unfortunately, you can’t entirely foresee how some businesses will treat you when you turn to them for help, including your insurance provider. It’s not until you must make a claim that you find out how accommodating—or not—your insurer really is.

Signs You Need a Lawyer to Help With an Insurance Claim

Here are some examples of situations where hiring an attorney can help keep the insurance company from taking advantage of you while you are desperate, ill or grieving.

  • Rejecting your claim: Certain companies reject more legitimate claims than others. Oftentimes, only an attorney who understands the laws that companies must follow in order to operate in Texas can convince the company to reconsider its harsh insurance claim denial without facing a lawsuit.
  • Paying your claim slowly or paying only part of your claim: Another way that insurance companies can hang onto their money is to delay your payments for months or pay less on each payment that they are supposed to make. They know that most people have neither the time nor the resources to follow up time and again when they do not receive the promised amount, or they don’t send the payment on time.
  • Failing to investigate your claim: The longer it takes an insurance company to investigate your claim, the more likely it will be that the investigation will come out in their favor. Evidence gets lost, witnesses disappear, and claimants even die, often making a claim worth less than when the claimant was living. As cruel as this sounds, it happens often. Hiring an attorney as soon as possible can prevent your claim (and the evidence that documents your case) from getting washed away or gathering dust on an adjuster’s desk.

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Own Insurance Company’s Bad Behavior

We understand that what you’ve just experienced to file an insurance claim can overwhelm you. The small print in your insurance contract is overwhelming, too. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask us for help. Let us take the burden of dealing with your insurance company off your shoulders.
Make one call to set up an appointment and we’ll talk it through with you.

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