2021 Was the Second-Deadliest Year Ever on Texas Roads

Last year produced the second-highest number of fatal vehicle crashes Texas roadways have ever seen, according to data released by the Texas Department of Transportation.

TxDOT’s tracking showed a total of 4,480 people killed on Texas roads in 2021. Only 1981 was deadlier, with 4,701 fatalities recorded that year. The agency has been keeping track of crash deaths since 1940.

The increase in fatalities in Texas last year is consistent with nationwide trends, which show an uptick in road deaths. Nationwide, an estimated 20,160 people died in motor vehicle crashes in the first half of 2021, up 18.4% over 2020. In Texas specifically, 2021’s fatalities were up 15% from the previous year.

Driver Behavior Is a Major Cause of—and Major Solution to—This Problem

As Dallas car accident and wrongful death lawyers, we have represented numerous grieving families who lost a loved one because of someone else’s negligent or reckless driving. 

Many of these fatal accidents could have been avoided if the other driver had simply paid more attention behind the wheel. We urge all drivers to do the little things to keep themselves and others safe:

  • Don’t speed: TxDOT says 1,522 of last year’s deaths were caused by speeding. Excess speed is the leading cause of all auto accidents.
  • Buckle up: A whopping 1,219 people were killed because they were not wearing their seatbelt. Make sure you buckle up every time, even on short trips.
  • Don’t text: It takes about five seconds to read a text. At 55 miles an hour, your car will travel more than the length of a football field while your eyes are off the road.
  • Use hands-free calling: Ideally, none of us would take phone calls from the road, but if you must, you should only do so hands-free to reduce the level of distraction.
  • Never drink and drive: Wherever you are in the Dallas area, an Uber or Lyft is never far away. There’s simply no reason to drive yourself anywhere if you’ve been drinking.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim After a Fatal Auto Accident?

Texas law specifies who can file a wrongful death lawsuit. The list includes the decedent’s surviving spouse, the children, and parents. Surviving siblings, unfortunately, are not able to file a claim. 

The lawsuit must be filed within two years from the date of the death. There are some rare exceptions to this rule, but it is best to assume that your suit will need to be filed within the two-year window.

If successful, your wrongful death case can allow you to recover damages for mental anguish, lost earning capacity, loss of care and support, loss of companionship, and other types of losses. 

Get Advice From a Dallas Auto Accident Attorney

The lawyers of The Fell Law Firm have decades of experience handling serious car, truck, and motorcycle accident cases, including fatal wrecks. We will fight for the maximum compensation available to you. 

To get started, please call 972-450-1418 or send us a message. Our Dallas-based team represents clients throughout East Texas. Your initial consultation with our team is free. 

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