What You Shouldn’t Do After a Car Accident | The Fell Law Firm

What You Shouldn’t Do After a Car Accident

A reportable car accident occurred every 59 seconds in Texas in 2017, according to a state crash statistics. Out of these accidents, one person was injured every two minutes and four seconds. With statistics like this, it’s likely that most Texans will be involved in an accident during their lifetime. If you haven’t already been part of one, it’s best to prepare yourself—just in case.

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After a Car Accident

Most of us are generally aware of the steps to take after a car accident. In the heat of the moment when adrenaline is running high, however, it’s easy to forget even the simplest tasks. Here are five things you shouldn’t do after your accident.

  1. Forget to call the police: Even if the accident is a minor fender bender, don’t try to handle it without calling the police. Any injuries or vehicle damage should be recorded with a proper statement for insurance purposes and any litigation that may occur in the future.
  2. Speak more than the facts: After an accident, emotions are high. It’s important to never admit that the accident was your fault or give your opinion. It is best to keep quiet unless you’re spoken to by the police. Anything you say can be misconstrued in court or by the other party’s insurance company.
  3. Refuse medical treatment: Regardless of the severity of the accident, you should seek proper medical attention. Some of the most common injuries such as whiplash don’t show symptoms until hours, days or weeks after your accident.
  4. Speak to your insurance without an attorney: After your accident, your insurance company may attempt to get you to admit guilt in order to refuse your claim. It’s important to consider reaching out to an attorney to help you communicate correctly during the claims process.
  5. Fail to document the accident: If you’re able, try to document the scene of the accident. For example, take photos of your car and the surrounding scene. Gather the contact information of the other party and their insurance company. Should you need to seek compensation through litigation, documentation can help build your case.

Bonus Tip: Treat All Car Accidents the Same

Not all car accidents are severe in nature. Some accidents are as simple as backing into a parked car in a crowded parking lot. Regardless of the severity of the accident, you should treat them all the exact same. You never truly know what tomorrow may hold when it comes to how much damage you actually did to your car or your body.

You Don’t Have to Go Through the Aftermath Alone

Car accidents are frightening and overwhelming, especially when you suffer injury and suffer personal property damage. The good news is this: you don’t have to go through it alone. To learn more about what happens next, send us a message.

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