Drowning isn’t the only hazard associated with swimming pools

Whether you have a pool in your backyard or just take a dip when you stay in hotels with pools, you should be aware of the many risks associated swimming pools. Too often, people think that the risks stop and start with drowning, but the fact is that there are many other types of injuries or illnesses caused by an unsafe pool.

For instance, recently nine people were diagnosed with Legionnaire’s disease after staying in the same hotel.

Legionnaire’s disease is an illness that can be contracted by breathing in contaminated water. According to tests of the hotel’s swimming pool and hot tub, both tested positive for the harmful bacteria.

In most cases, victims who contract this illness are able to recover with the help of antibiotics. However, it can prove to be deadly to people who already have a compromised immunity system or suffer from other medical conditions.

Legionnaire’s disease is just one type of illness that can be caused from contaminated, poorly maintained pools. Others include cryptosporidium and various infections. Owners of hotels, gyms, apartment complexes and other properties with pools are expected to take certain steps to minimize the spread of these and other illnesses, but too often, a property owner will cut corners or ignore this obligation, and victims pay the price.

If you or a loved one developed a serious illness after swimming in a contaminated pool, then you may want to examine your legal options. Certain illnesses can prove to be devastating and take a considerable toll on a victim’s well-being. If you are sick, you could require hospitalization and various treatments, which can have a detrimental impact on your health, your job and your finances.

Under these circumstances, you could decide to hold the negligent property owner accountable for damages you have suffered. With legal guidance and support, you can build your case and take action against the appropriate party to secure the compensation you deserve.

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