Federal Agency Takes an Unprecedented Step to Curb Speeding

Have you ever wondered why car speedometers go as high as they do? While it's downright funny to contemplate the family minivan ever getting up to 90 mph, no less 160, the truth is that most cars can go faster than any road in the country will allow...

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Are Younger Drivers Safer Than Ever?

It makes intuitive sense that the least experienced drivers are the most prone to mistakes. The more time you spend behind the wheel, the better you are able to handle the responsibility of safe driving. Recent statistics indicate that younger drive...

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Will Right Turns on Red Be Outlawed?

Bicycle and pedestrian deaths caused by motor vehicles have risen substantially over the past decade. The sharp rise in these accidents has sent safety experts scrambling for ways to reduce these tragedies. Of the suggested solutions, few have create...

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Elderly Drivers and Car Accidents: Safety Tips and Concerns

We all want to keep our loved ones safe. When someone we love is aging, it's natural to worry about their safety behind the wheel. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent...

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Car Accidents and PTSD: Coping and Recovery

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a car accident is surprisingly common. In fact, when researchers conducted a survey of 15 eligible studies, they found that 22.25% percent of traffic accident survivors reported PTSD. So if you're experienc...

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A New Law Concerning Variable Speed Limits

A new law that took effect on September 1, 2023, allows for the creation of variable speed limits under certain circumstances. The law is meant to expedite the imposition of temporary speed limits to help Texas motorists stay safe in dangerous drivin...

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Should Seat Belt Warning Systems Be Expanded?

It’s long been established that seat belt use decreases car and truck accident deaths. Seat belts save lives. Armed with this knowledge, many safety advocates have sought ways to increase seat belt use. One of the tools to accomplish this is the ...

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Children and Car Accidents: What Parents Need to Know

Car accidents are traumatic experiences for anyone involved, but the situation becomes even more worrisome when children are among the passengers. Children are more susceptible to injuries and emotional trauma, and the legal processes following an a...

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What to Do Immediately After a Car Accident in Texas

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality that many of us will face at some point in our lives. Knowing what to do after a car accident can significantly impact your health and the potential legal process that may follow. Talking with the police, doc...

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How Dangerous Is Speeding?

Have you ever been told that a safe speed to drive is any speed at which you won't get a ticket? Was that 9 MPH over the speed limit? Was it 5 MPH over? The truth is that there is no magic line above the speed limit that will protect you from being ...

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